lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007


The abortion on this time is too mencioned and it has 2 points of view, that abortion is good for many womens who are violated, but at the same time is bad cause you kill a human, so is to difficult for a women to chose what to do.

But...What is the abortion?
The Medicine understands by abortion all expulsion of the fetus, natural or caused, in the nonviable period of its intrauterine life, that is to say, when it doesn`t have any possibility of surviving. If that expulsion of the fetus is made in viable period but before the term of the pregnancy, premature childbirth is denominated, as much if the fetus survives as if it dies.

The Spanish Right, like the Canonical Right, considers abortion the death of the fetus by means of its destruction while it depends on claustro maternal or by its expulsion prematurely caused so that it dies, as much if is not viable as if it is it. In the current language, abortion is the death of the fetus by its expulsion, natural or caused, at any time of its intrauterine life.

Many people says that this is a crime, that it doesn`t have to be, cause you are killing a kid, that doesn`t have the fault that the parents have, cause they couldn`t protect themselves with a condom or other preservative; but if the ones who says it have a no desire embarrass, now them could look for an abortion.

Well, there are different types from abortion:

  • Espontaneous abortion: it is frequently during the first three months and it must to multiple causes, it corresponds to embryos with serious malformations and that are eliminated by the same organism as a form of natural selection.
  • Pill RU-486 followed by pill of prostaglandin: in the first seven weeks; the menstruation is induced by blocks of the progesterone and stimulation of the uterine contractions
  • Menstrual evacuation: this one occurs in the first three months, the endometrium is retired by an instrument of empty.
  • Induced work: this, before of three months occurs, is the work of premature childbirth and is induced by prostaglandin.

Now, we are gonna see many coments about abortion:

What do you think about abortion?

  • I really don't like abortion but once you think about it. There are way to many kids left in foster homes and most women who get abortion have drug issues. So in torn. I wish more girls would wait to have sex or use a condom.
  • murdering is so not cool
  • well if your grown its your choice if you were raped its your choice but if your a kid and just haveoing sex with everyone then you should be held responsible for your actions and then maybe kids would reconcider
  • i think its like a sin to kill a poor life b4 it has started. who knows, that baby could've brought world peace...
  • It should be up to the individual to work out for themselves. But, there are few things in life that are cut and dry. There will always be exceptions. For example; if the woman knows that she herself will die if she carried the baby past a certain month and would be leaving her other kids orphaned, then I can understand why she would do it. Otherwise, that is something each person must decide for themselves. :)
  • i think that until i am in a situation which may require one, i cannot make an opinion about it. i also believe that the government should take into consideration my point of view, and realize that it's none of their business what a woman does with her body.
  • against it
  • I believe its a personal choice, that should be used only when needed. As in rape, young pregnancys, or if the childs life endangers the mothers.
  • VERY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I think I'm sick of explaining why it's important that we have this option in our society. I think a lot of people who are "pro life" are very naive and/or judgemental.I think abortion is gross and unpleasant, but totally necessary in certain circumstances.I think I've written this all too often on these sites.I think tolerance is the best policy.
  • It's a Mother's choice. She should know all the feelings involved and the history of the pregnancy. The Government has no right to dictate issues like Abortion.
  • I think that is one of the hardest decisions a women would ever have to make.
  • I dont agree with it but women should be able to make their own choice,its emotionally,physically and financially difficult having a baby,if abortion wasnt legal then women would probably find more dangerous ways to get rid of the baby.
  • I could never have an abortion, I would never be able to live with the way it would make me feel for the rest of my life.I would hope that if others didn't want the baby they were pregnant with they would still have it and give it up for adoption. I think that if the pregnancy endangers the mothers life to carry the baby then that would be ok or if the mother was raped then it would be ok.But I feel in each case it would have to be ones own decision.
  • It is always a choice. Each abortion releases enough resources to save the lives of 12 loved and wanted children. So the choice is do you save kids that are already born or do you save the fetus. Pro lifers choose to kill the 12 kids. I hope you are wise enough to let the 12 live and let the fetus pass.
  • I think it's a choice that must remain safe and legal.
So, what do you think about it???

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007


Hi everyone.
Well, we(Elisa and I, Javier) are gonna talk about abortion. I`m gonna give you a litle introduction about this topic.
We choose this topic cause on this time is too mencioned and cause it has 2 points of view, one is that abortion is good for many womens who are violated, but at the same time is bad cause you kill a human, so is to difficult for a women to chose what to do...